Thursday, June 22, 2006

Dastardly Scofflaws Tribute Song

Pear juice, fair juice, a fairly loose noose will snare you, scare you, mentally prepare you to share your wealth with a string bean orchestra of orcas flying from the coast the lowest boast of toast will roast the pope in his grandfather's cloak elope on the wedding boats of Acupulc... oh!

Snow didn't go to giggy giggy go-go low blow to the rowboat sail or towboat. King's moat and a truckroad, the wind blowed the binload, my shin knows which way the ring goes, marimbo....

solos, and the stand up electric space base a thousand miller lights in space a place race to Saturn, Venus, or Mars take your pick the directions, to the stars on the map of a street man neighborhood watch laying chicken on a windsill government clocks while the barb wire windmill selling me shelling me rocks. my socks in a box of shocks i lost. the last stop.

Coz the metric system is 1.6 times as funky.

-Those Dastardly Scofflaws

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

WWT #14 you Betcha/Guessed It

Weekly World Thingy #14

You Betcha/Guessed It.

Updated every Fuenfundhalbjahrely! Say it! Fuenfundhalbjahrely!!

Fun Brought to You By:

A small Elf

Everything else is imaginary.

A small power glove should show up on the left side of the screen and let you know that the super up box is ready for action. GO!

Headline News

FILA soccer 2006-7. A radioactive snake wins the World Cup, since no one will go near it and it has the ball. It is also expected to win the 2007 World Cup, unless a poisonous badger wanders into the stadium, which case….

POISONOUS BADGER 2007!!!!!!!!!

…and now, the news.



Elves located in Northern

Michigan decided to run their car on pure seawater [sweaters] late Monday. The effort has been met with much consternation, as the elves are still waiting for the tide to come in to power their vehicle. The indiscriminate and nondescript group of elves have tried several other methods of power, including horseradish, mayonnaise, elves, children with handcranks, baking soda, children with baking soda, and elves as power for their car. Unfortunately, the elves are not actually real and their car is abandoned and sitting in the woods near the lake. It will never run.

One of the elves, named Blinky, stated, “Even though I am not real, I am affected by the power shortage and I have the right to try new sources of fuel for my motorcar. Even toxic jalapenos could yield the answer. Unfortuately, we already tried them, and they merely stung our faces and mouths with a fire the like of which has not been seen since 1907. Or was it 1906 and a half? Hard to say. Well, I must be on my way. Sometime you should look us up and come on down to the Elf Shop, where we frolick and play.”

Every other time the elves have appeared they have carried off bits of biscuit, tools, sheds, toolshed, barrels of whiskey, and other Canadian goods with them. No one really knows where they came from and they have never been filmed, but they haunt our memories like so many other memories associated with elves and frolicking. Like pies.

Small Boy

The other day I was reporting on a news story in which a car ran over a small boy. Fortunately, the car was even smaller, so the boy was unharmed.

Picnic Weasels

Every now and then I get a hankering for some picnic weasels. A picnic weasel is a weasel that hops out of a basket and offers you products. Sometimes fruit or candy. It’s usually wrapped and almost always still good. But when it’s not, boy watch out. Those weasels can be crafty. Every day they show up strumming yukelaleys from the Yukon Country. Filled with pure gold and whistling gibberish tunes out of their whiskerey chittering little faces. This is ‘news’ because they also report the financial status of the top 500 companies, in order, as they sing. They have requested that I place this phone number in the news thingy and distribute it to friends who may also want their fiscal advice or strings.

Lowell Calamity

Horrible calamity struck downtown Lowell yesterday as a massive wave of spaghetti brewed over the township. Mills that previously ran their wheels on water now found themselves entirely destroyed by several tons of wheaty spaghetti. The remaining mills’ waterwheels were turned by the broken pieces of the fallen mills, mixed with the spaghetti that caused the calamity in the first place. Nobody knows where the spaghetti came from or why it was so scalding hot, but it sure satisfies… the rent check.


A man from the late 1950’s was heard to say the term ‘Whop!’ yesterday, which was taken to mean only one thing: Let’s disco. It’s all the rage in 1960’s California. Yes, that’s right. Confusion sets in.


Once the spaghetti hardens, the brick and spaghetti wall should be complete and firm enough to be stackable nearly six feet tall. This is high enough to stack uncooked spaghetti strands along the top and corners, providing several feet of shelter, until the rain sets in. Then not even paper mache mortar can withstand.

Area Publisher

Area publisher is struck with delerium. It is difficult to write a string of blatant blather and nonsense this disreputable and lengthy in such a short period of time without falling into the trap of delerium. The only cure is whiskey and dollars. AND PLENTY OF CONTRARIAN SPANISH JAZZ!!! BRING ME THE SPANISH LOUNGE CUEVO!! Ahem, HECHO me the Spanish Lounge Cuevo. Immediately….

Ah, there we go. Streaming pure insanity from the aether is an exhausting and draining process. It is so intense that even when I stop writing and do something else it still tries to go. And I’m just like no, that is far too random and I am tired and the quality and newsworthiness of this article is deteriorating rapidly. In fact, the entire newspaper is falling to pieces. Read more in next week’s follow-up edition. Now, Tom with the weather:


Tom shows up, carring a middling sized briefcase. He opens it up, pulls the sun out of it, lays it on the counter. Then proceeds to unfold the clouds and place them slightly overlapping the intensely glowing sunball. Then, a square of *actually falling precipitation* is pulled from the briefcase. You are befuddled that the rain, liquid rain, falls from the top of an empty square in space appearing out of nothing, and disappears once it reaches the bottom of this undefined area. Tom picks it up without hesitation and it simply follows. As if the burning sun the size of a bowling ball and floding clouds that hover in the air beside the sun, which is by now charring it’s way through the roof of your blue 1991 sub-sportscar. With pinkish salmon accent stripe. You should do something about that. Now, Fred with the weather.


We’ll have bright clouds on monday and a sprinkling of chainshowers. Yes, that’s right. Chainshowers. Chains will form in the upper atmosphere and slowly extend down towards the ground. Then once the chainstorm is over, the remainder of the chains will fall in a pile around the bottom portion of the chain.

No, there won’t really be chainshowers. It was something else, but chainshowers were so exciting sounding that I decided to tell you about them anyway. The real weather is fake. We’ll be having burgers for dinner Monday night. Welcome home.

Someone Asked

Someone once asked me about my extensive collection of clear things, and I told them ‘what clear things?’. They never believed in them again. Clear things don’t actually exist. Not plastic bags, not windows, not doves. Certain tinted bottles may be mistaken for floating pudding, but other than that, there is just no excuse for clear things to ever exist. I demand transparency in the government. It’s good for the bottleneck crabs.

CPU Fans

I am trying to update my computer module so it will run to the center of the Linux. The Linux is about 7,000 miles in diameter and consists of a molten nickel-iron core, which surprisingly well enough conducts quite a lot of energy. The atmosphere of the Linux conducts randomly with the core, as it is positively charged and the bits from the sun show up negatively in the atmosphere/space interface. These lightning strikes form an excellent program known as “Doom 95”. The other day I briefly played Doom 95 on the atmosphere while in the middle of a field. It simply requires knowing what programming language the stormcloud is using, and running Doom 95 while it is churning bits. The bits will churn out like monsters and you can command your fighter to battle them. It is fun.

Later I ran a spreadsheet application, but the data was lost when it dispersed in the ground. I am currently digging for approval.